Sheet of promotional japanese stickers released to mark the launch of Fuji Television's Anime Club.
There are 154 products.
Sheet of promotional japanese stickers released to mark the launch of Fuji Television's Anime Club.
Jiji in magnet ! This cat a little bit particular measures 5 cm. In resin, it is fixed to all the metallic supports thanks to the magnet which it contains.
A Totoro in magnet ! Our favorite neighbour measures 5.5 cm. In resin, it is fixed to all the metallic supports thanks to the magnet which it contains.
A Catbus in magnet ! This cat a little bit particular measures 5 cm. In resin, it is fixed to all the metallic supports thanks to the magnet which it contains.
For the release of the comic book, here comes a sticker, 8x8 cm. Rare !
Very nice magnet Ouran Highschool Host Club where you can write like a whiteboard with a special felt pen (not provided). It measures 6.5×8.5cm.
Very cool promo sticker for the Pacific Rim Uprising figures & robots release in Japan ! 13 x 14 cm
For the release of the movie Solo, here comes a sticker, 8x8 cm. Rare !
For the release of the movie Deadpool 2, here comes a sticker, 8cm diameter. Rare !
For the release of the french version of Secret Empire, here comes a sticker, 8x8cm. Rare !
For your PS4, this decal will make your favorite console more beautiful !
The deus ex machina from Donnie Darko, Frank the Bunny features on these handsome chip clips, which have magnets on the back so you can throw them on your fridge while they’re not keeping your precious closed.
For the release of the french version of Civil War II, here comes a sticker, 8x8cm. Rare !
2 Sheets of stickers very rare from Japan. 7.5 x 12 cm & 8 x 13 cm
Very cool japanese sticker from Galaxy Express, very rare ! 6.5 x 20 cm
Very rare ! Complete set of VHS stickers to classify your episodes !
2 satin stickers, very cute ! 100% official from japanese lottery !
2 satin stickers, very cute ! 100% official from japanese lottery !
2 satin stickers, very cute ! 100% official from japanese lottery !
83 chromium stickers, no double. Non official items (probably from China).
Neuf en boite surprise, petit magnet tr?s mignon tire du film d'animation \Wall-E\ de Disney. Import direct Japon.
Neuves, lot de 17 autocollants Lapins Cretins offerts ? l'origine avec les figurines \Les Lapins Cretins envahissent le monde\
Japanese sheet of stickers by "Shell Formula Presents" and "Toei Anime Fair" in 1992.